Permanent makeup is applied using heavy gauge needles or a blade to penetrate deep into the skin causing bleeding, bruising, scabbing, scarring, and downtime. Permanent makeup uses various forms of tattoo inks that are toxic to the body; its colors are harsh and change over time. So people can end up with blue or orange inks in the skin. Another issue with permanent makeup is that as our skin ages and starts to sag the ink ends up in the wrong place so it actually accentuates the signs of aging. Permanent makeup artists’ training is only a few days. Their minimal training and the equipment & products used all contribute to the harsh look associated with permanent makeup and microblading. The best way to fix is with MicroArt. MicroArt Semi Permanent makeup®, on the other hand, has the most natural results. There is NO downtime, NO bruising, NO scabbing, NO scarring. Because MicroArt technology uses an acupuncture needle as thin as a human hair that vibrates on the dermal layer of the skin 80 to 100 times per second, the results are precise. Colors are custom blended with non-toxic mineral-based pigments. The design is customized to fit each patient’s look and desires by our Artist. It takes about 1 year to train a Micro-Artist to perform the procedure. The results are amazing. To learn more about the differences between MicroArt and other forms of permanent makeup.
Delivers far more natural results than permanent makeup. After a few years, you’ll have the opportunity to retouch the pigments as needed. The results are natural and youthful that look so real that no one will know you have had anything done. Its so natural in appearance that even men wear it.
Permanent Makeup:
Often results in a harsh and unnatural look that you will end up being stuck with. Results often include hair loss, scaring, colors that change over time.

MicroArt™ Eyebrows:
Each pair of eyebrows are custom designed to achieve the optimal look, focusing attention on the eyes. Individual hairs are layered onto the skin, creating perfect results.
MicroArt™ Eyeliner:
Precisely placed in the lashes, creating a fuller more natural appearance.
MicroArt™ Lips:
Lips are shaped, lined and the color is enhanced and blended.
Permanent Makeup Eyebrows:
Solid, unnatural line, colors often change, can only be corrected with laser removal or MicroArt’s camouflaging techniques.
Permanent Makeup Eyeliner:
Thick line above lashes.
Permanent Makeup Lips:
Usually only lip liner, extremely painful on full lips.
State-of-the-art technology. This level of precision is obtained by equipment created exclusively by MicroArt that costs over $70,000.
MicroArt technology uses a single acupuncture needle as thin as a human hair that vibrates on the dermal layer of the skin 80 to 100 times per second. Therefore the results are extremely precise. As the acupuncture needle gently vibrates on the outer layer of the skin MicroArt’s nontoxic mineral-based pigments are absorbed.
Permanent Makeup:
Uses standard tattoo equipment, which is available to purchase by anyone without training for $200 and up. Needle: 3 -14 heavy gauge needles are used simultaneously to aggressively puncture the skin.
Because permanent makeup uses a standard tattoo gun, the process of penetrating deep into the skin to place these inks, which are often toxic, will often cause bleeding, bruising, scabbing, scarring and down time. This makes the procedure painful and the results harsh and unnatural in appearance.
Only the finest medical grade products are used, sourced from all over the world. MicroArts pigments have been developed by cosmetic biochemist for MicroArt to eliminate the color changes that tend to happen using other forms of inks or pigments. Pigments are mineral based, non-toxic which cost much more than tattoo or permanent makeup inks. There has never been an allergic reaction to any MicroArt pigment. They are commercially manufactured in Europe.
Permanent Makeup:
Due to the low cost of permanent makeup lower quality products are used. Permanent makeup inks are inexpensive, sometimes toxic, can cause allergic reactions and often fade to orange, blue and green which can actually accentuate the signs of aging.
Minimal discomfort (similar to waxing), when compared to permanent makeup due to MicroArt’s more advanced equipment products and methods.
Permanent Makeup:
Extremely painful, heavy bleeding, scabbing and bruising often occurs. Swelling lasts for many days. Recovery time can last weeks.
MicroArt ensures that all their technicians are top-notch. They require their technicians to go through six months of full-time intensive training with an annual evaluation required for re-licensing. Technicians are Licensed by MicroArt Inc. and fully insured. Furthermore, each technician has to meet all company standards before being licensed, which are the most stringent in the industry.
Micro Artist’s work full time performing MicroArt therefore very experienced at color, design and all aspects of this art form.
Permanent Makeup:
The state doesn’t mandate training or licensing for permanent makeup tattoo artists. As a result, these technicians only undergo a few days of training. Most are non-regulated by the health department with little formal training. They are Self evaluated with no continued education or licensing required.
Permanent makeup artist usually only work part time and their primary services that they provide are usually not permanent makeup so they do not have much experience.

Uses a proprietary non-toxic mineral-based pigment. Colors are custom blended to achieve the ideal look for each client in order to achieve the most natural look. Over time the pigment slowly fade away. Color can be refreshed and updated to the client’s desires with a single touch up session every 1-2 years.
Can be toxic and result in allergic reactions. The colors are unnatural and change over time into green, orange or blue. Usually on the eyeliner, black inks change to blue or green. Over time, as the skin ages, people end up with a thick blue line that stretches and separates from the lash line as the delicate skin around the eyes age which can actually accentuate the signs of aging.
Lasts up to 3 years, so as the skin ages and fashions change, clients have the ability to update their style.
Permanent Makeup:
Unnatural look that will add time and expense to correct with MicroArt™.
MicroArt™ Down Time:
None! about 50% of clients might experience slight swelling or redness that disappears in about an hour. So you are back in commission within an hour of the application. MicroArt uses an acupuncture needle as thin as a strand of hair. It gently vibrates on the top layer of the skin to deliver a nontoxic mineral-based pigments to the skin.
MicroArt™ Bruising: None!
MicroArt™ Heavy Bleeding: None!
MicroArt™ Scaring: None!
MicroArt™ Scabbing: None!
Permanent Makeup Down Time:
Recovery time can last weeks.
Permanent Makeup Bruising:
Swelling that often causes bruising.
Permanent Makeup Heavy Bleeding:
People who are on blood thinners or diabetics should not get permanent make up or microblading due to the heavy bleeding occurs during the procedure.
Permanent Makeup Scaring:
Scaring often occurs as heavy gauge needles penetrate deep into the skin.
Permanent Makeup Scabbing:
A think scar usually forms after the procedure and takes between 1-3 weeks for the skin to heal.
Price includes: The design, the procedure, a second touch up procedure two weeks later to perfect the color and shape, and complete after care products. Price reflects superior quality pigments, equipment, training and final results. For full pricing click here.
Permanent Makeup:
$100 and up. Cheaper alternative to MicroArt™ due to cheaper inks, equipment, unregulated training and licensing; all of which produce harsh results.

MicroArt Fixes Permanent Makeup
The best way to correct permanent makeup is by camouflaging it with MicroArt since in most cases it can not be removed using lasers. MicroArt conceals permanent makeup by using colors that are carefully blended to match the client’s skin tone. For more info click here.