Before & After Photos of Vitiligo Camouflage by MicroArt Semi Permanent Makeup

If you have been considering MicroArt for your vitiligo, you’ve probably had a few safety concerns about the procedure. Will it your vitiligo to spread? What is the recovery process? Is it an effective treatment for the skin disorder? Let’s take a look at some of the most common concerns you may have about this procedure to help you in your decision-making process.

MicroArt as a Vitiligo Treatment

MicroArt Semi Permanent Makeup is extremely effective as a treatment for vitiligo. While there is no known cure for the disease, MicroArt can camouflage the white patches of skin so they blend right in with your regular skin tone. The application does not in any way cause vitiligo to spread. MicroArt uses a precision needle (the size of a human hair) to deliver non-toxic mineral-based pigment to the skin. The pigment is gentle to the skin and has never caused an allergic reaction.

Concern About the Procedure

MicroArt’s vitiligo procedure is performed in a series of one hour long sessions, scheduled one week apart. Typically, the treatment can be completed in as little as four sessions. At each session, your consultant will apply thin layers of the pigment into the skin. Expect the skin to be red right after the session. You might also experience some swelling. This will fade in just a couple of hours without scabbing, bruising, or bleeding.

During the first seven days after your session, you’ll see the color settle into the skin, as well as exfoliate due to regular washing and skin care. When you return back to your next session a week later, your consultant will be able to see how the color has settled in order to obtain a perfect match.

Other Safety Concerns

MicroArt Semi Permanent Makeup is an extremely safe treatment for vitiligo. It’s far safer than many other forms of treatment such as steroid creams or skin graft surgery. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about covering up your vitiligo patches with irritating concealers (many of which can cause allergic reactions). Furthermore, with minimal downtown after your treatment, you’ll be able to show off your new look the very same day.

Schedule a consultation with MicroArt. Your consultant will help address any other safety concerns you may have and get you started on the path to recovery today.