MICROART IS MORE THAN MAKEUP. IT’S ART!  “This is really the highest form of art there is.  You’re really designing someone’s face.” This sentiment from a MicroArt Technician with an extensive design background sums up what MicroArt Semi Permanent Makeup is really all about.   It’s about giving a client the look, flexibility, and lifestyle they desire but have been [...]

2019-06-06T17:20:12-07:00August 10th, 2017|

Why You Should Never Try Microblading at Home

This video really caught our attention. Microblading is one of the most hazardous aesthetic procedures out there, but trying it at home takes it to a whole new level of risk. Make no mistake, we understand well the plethora of lifestyle aesthetic treatments on the market today and the desire to look our best. From laser hair [...]

2018-11-14T10:28:36-08:00August 3rd, 2017|
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